2.7 Assignment Operators

2 min readApr 5, 2022


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Assignment operators set the value of the right operand to the left operand. The most basic assignment operator that is found everywhere is =

Here, using the operator = we set the value of the age variable. Also, you can simultaneously assign a value to several variables at once.

= — is right-associative operator, it means that first initializes z, then y, then x. Let’s consider other assignment operators:

  • += — addition assignment; Same as x = x + 5;
  • -= — subtraction assignment; Same as x = x — 4;
  • *= — multiplication assignment; Same as x = x * 3;
  • /= — division assignment; Same as x = x / 2;
  • %= — modulo assignment; Same as x = x % 5;

Of course, C# has more assignment operators, but we’ll look at them later so you know how to use them.

Summary — Operators Precedence and Associativity


Previous article -> 2.6 Arithmetic Operators

Next article -> 2.8 Comparison Operators

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Written by Stasoz

Full Stack Developer who is inspired by new technologies

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